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Bearded dragon owners often want to learn more about the different bearded dragon species, colors and morphs. Luckily, today we are going to walk you through just that!

About the Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are lizards native to Australia. They would naturally live in the desert, but it is possible for people to house them in their homes and take care of them as pets. In fact, there are many bearded dragon owners who decide that they cannot handle the responsibility that comes with owning a pet. These animals should only be bought when the owner is ready for this type of responsibility.

Different Species of Bearded Dragons

There are a total of 8 different bearded dragon species. A species is a taxonomic rank used in the classification of living things. It is defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

To simplify, think of dogs and humans. They are each two different types of species. For different dogs though their are breeds but they are all the same species.

All 8 of the bearded dragon species can still be found in Australia and currently 4 of the 8 have been kept as pets. The most common species is the Pogona vitticeps and is probably the one you are most familiar with from pet stores.

Below is a list of the known bearded dragon species:

  1. Pogona barbata
  2. Pogona henrylawsoni
  3. Pogona microlepidota
  4. Pogona minor minor
  5. Pogona minor minima
  6. Pogona minor mitchelli
  7. Pogona nullarbor
  8. Pogona vitticeps

Bearded Dragon Morphs

There exist a kind of Bearded Dragons called Morphs, which have been intentionally bred to exhibit a certain color, pattern, or mix of these features. Many species of reptiles reproduce through morphing.

Rather than relying solely on a single gene, Bearded Dragons’ color, pattern, and scalation are caused by a combination of genes.

An organism’s DNA carries instructions for growth in the form of genes. Traits are the result of the interaction between genes. The characteristics of a bearded dragon morph include its size, color, and behavior.

Many desirable characteristics are recessive, making it difficult to breed for them.

It may take several generations of breeding to achieve the desired variation in color or pattern in some morphs. Morphs can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Scalation
  2. Pattern
  3. Color

The cost of a particular color or trait is often directly proportional to how difficult it is to produce it.

Bearded Dragon Color List

Albino – the lack of pigment.

-This color is more common in Pogona barbata . As a result, they are often smaller and have less prominent spikes on their backs. They also have red eyes which makes them look pinkish.

-Since this color is recessive, owners cannot breed for it since it doesn’t naturally occur in bearded dragons. They are typically only bred when the goal is to produce another color.

Find out the Best Greens for Your Bearded Dragon Diet

-This morph can be spotted by looking at their eyes. If they have red or pink eyes like the picture above, they are albino.

Black – this color is prevalent in Pogona vitticeps .

– the black color is caused by a recessive gene. If one parent has it and another does not, there is a 50% chance that offspring will be black. This makes them more common than many other morphs.

Blue – this color is seen most commonly in Pogona barbata .

– the blue color is caused by a recessive gene. Much like black, if one parent has it and another does not, there is a 50% chance that offspring will be blue.

-This morph can have different shades of blue ranging from turquoise to cobalt and is typically translucent in color.

Citrus – this color is normally yellow with orangish -red spots. It is most often seen in Pogona vitticeps .

Citrus Tiger – Similar to citrus but with more defined stripes.

Green – Common color with an olive tone and standard yellow shades.

Lemon Fire – Appropriately named as the beardie will have a bright, vivid yellow color.

Orange – Varying hues of orange

Purple – this color is most often seen in Pogona barbata and they have a purple tint.

Red – this color of bearded dragon will vary in the level of red it has. Some may have a reddish-orange tint while others may be bright orange and on the red side.

Sandfire – Usually a tan or red hue with stripes or bands.

Tangerine – This color is a combination of red and orange.

Yellow – this color is found in most bearded dragons and can range from a very dull yellow to a bright pastel yellow.

Bearded Dragon Pattern List

Banded – these bearded dragons have darker bands across their back that vary in width and spacing. They are often seen in Pogona vitticeps .

Blaze – Similar to banding, but much more vivid. The dark coloring on the head is typically much more defined. They are often found in Pogona barbata .

Tiger – Basically, it’s just stripes over the back of the dragon. The worth of the dragon rises in direct proportion to the width and thickness of the stripes.

In conclusion, bearded dragons come in many different colors and patterns. It is important to keep this in mind when trying to purchase your first bearded dragon, as they will cost more depending on the rarity of their color or pattern.

Learn about the Tips for Setting Up Your Bearded Dragon Tank

Bearded Dragons are a great pet for both experienced reptile owners and beginners alike! Don’t be afraid to ask questions or do your research if you’re new to the pet-keeping scene. You can find a great list of bearded dragon supplies on our blog.

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