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Bearded dragons are a popular reptile in the pet trade, and for good reason. These amazing animals are charismatic, hardy, and fun to keep – perfect for any enthusiast of reptile pets! But just how long do bearded dragons live in the wild? And how long do they live in captivity?

To answer these questions, we first have to understand a little bit about bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons – the kings of reptiles

Bearded dragons come from the family of lizards known as Agamidae. This family is home to some of the most well-known lizards in the world, such as iguanas, chameleons, and of course, bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are native to Australia, where they can be found in a wide range of habitats from deserts to woodlands.

About Bearded Dragons

These reptiles get their name from the spines that adorn their throat and chin, which look like a beard. Males tend to have more prominent beards than females, and use them to intimidate other males during mating season. Bearded dragons are also known for their ability to change color. When they are happy or excited, their color will change to a brighter hue. When they are angry or threatened, their color will darken.

Bearded dragons are friendly lizards and bearded dragons are great pets.

Bearded dragons make great pets for both beginners and experienced reptile owners alike. They are relatively easy to care for, and can be handled with care once they

How long do bearded dragons live in the wild?

The bearded dragon has a shorter lifespan in the wild than it does in captivity. On average the bearded dragon will live for 5 – 8 years in the wild.

They’re generally healthy, but like all animals, they do have a few things that you should watch out for.

One of the most common bearded dragon health issues are metabolic diseases such as metabolic bone disease, which is caused by a lack of calcium and other minerals in the diet.

Bearded dragons also need plenty of fresh water to survive, so make sure the water you provide is clean and humidity levels are high.

Finally, keep an eye out for predators that may threaten your bearded dragon’s survival. These can include snakes and other animals that fit into this category.

How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live in Captivity?

Bearded dragons are a popular pet reptile, but many people are unaware of the fact that they can live for a long time in captivity.

How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live in Captivity

The average lifespan for a bearded dragon in captivity is 8 – 12 years. However, some people think bearded dragons can live up to 15 years in captivity.

Of course the lifespan for a captive beardie depends on several factors such as diet, exercise, and environment.

A well-cared for captive bearded dragon will typically live longer than one that is not cared for properly.

Bearded dragons are a long-term commitment, but if you are prepared to care for them properly they can make wonderful pets that will bring you years of enjoyment!

Bearded Dragon Lifespan in Growth Stages

The bearded dragon lifespan can be split into 5 distinct categories depending on thier age. Starting as baby bearded dragons (hatchlings) they pass through 4 life stages after hatching. The growth stages vary depending on age, size and age. Your bearded dragon will need varying lifestyle, diet and accommodation for survival in the different stages of the animal life cycle.

Bearded Dragon Lifespan in Growth Stages

Hatchlings (0-3 months)

The bearded dragon lifespan starts in the hatchling stage. At that stage they are very skittish and they need protein to develop their muscles. Babies grow faster than all others. The importance of eating well during this stage is paramount for their lifelong health. The hatchling period is also the most common shed period in the bearded dragon’s life cycle. Hatching Bears shed nearly daily.

Juvenile Stage (3-12 months)

Juvenile bearded dragons will be considered juvenile until it reaches 3 months or more and can be called an adult. During this stage of the beardie’s lifespan, they tend to shed less regularly and typically shed twice a month. The juvenile bearded dragon should be eating approximately 70% of insects and 30% vegetables so they have a maximum lifespan.

Young Adult (1-3 years)

The bearded dragon is considered an aging adult until 1 year old. During this phase, most bearded dragons are in or close to adult age. Growth is geared toward gaining weight rather than length.

This could be an interesting period of your bearded dragons life. Their coloration will start to define and will remain in adulthood. I know my beardie’s colors started to pop and she became very dark. After the age of 1, bearded dragons typically shed every 3-4 weeks.

Adult (3-7 years)

The bearded dragons are adults from three to seven years of age. At this point in their lifespan, growth has slowed and they shed every 4 to 6 weeks.

Mating behaviors develop during this time for both sexes. Females will start swelling in the abdomen when ready to mate and lay eggs. Courtship behaviors may be seen between males and females.

Senior (7+ years)

The fifth phase of bearded dragon life has its seniors. Senior beardies can be older or have advanced aging symptoms at any time. This sign is usually decreased appetite, decreased movement, or lethargy.

Seniors are advised to take regular vitamins to maintain their overall health and may require additional supplements. They are sometimes still able to stay healthy for a longer period though their energy levels are lower than during their youth.

What Factors Influence A Bearded Dragon’s Lifespan?

Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets in the world. They are beautiful and fascinating creatures, and many people are captivated by their lifespan. The good news is that bearded dragons can live for up to 15 years, provided they are well-nourished and have a healthy environment.

Factors That Influence A Bearded Dragon’s Lifespan

A bearded dragon’s lifespan is influenced by several factors which are discussed below:


Feeding your bearded dragon correctly is not only important for their health and well-being, but also can extend the life of the reptile.

Make sure to give them insects and vegetables – all of which are essential for a healthy beardie diet. Bearded dragons live in warm, humid habitats that closely resemble the environment they evolved in – perfect for reptiles!

However, you need to take care of your dragon properly if you want it to live long:

Provide a humidity level similar to what they’re used too

Make sure the enclosure has plenty of bearded dragon caves and hiding spots and climbing areas

Maintain the right temperature range (around 75 – 85 °F, basking spot 90 – 100). All these things play a role in how long your bearded dragon will live.

Provide UVB light

Give them a calcium and vitamin supplement


Just like any other pet, bearded dragons need exercise to stay healthy. A good way to provide this is by giving them a large enclosure with plenty of space to move around.

You can also take your dragon out for a walk on a leash (always under close supervision). This is a great way to get them some exercise while also bonding with your pet.

Bath Time

Another way to provide exercise for your bearded dragon is to give them a bath. Bathing not only helps keep your dragon clean, but it also provides them with essential humidity and moisture to help your bearded dragons live long and healthy lives.

Be sure to use lukewarm water and avoid getting water in their nose or eyes. You can also add a small amount of non-chlorinated water to their enclosure to help increase the humidity level.


As we mentioned before, diet is a very important factor in determining how long your bearded dragon will live. A healthy diet consists of both vegetables and insects.

What do bearded dragons eat? Vegetables should make up the majority of their diet (around 80%), while insects should only be given as a occasional treat (around 20%). Also make sure they do not eat food that is toxic to their system such as avocados or spicy peppers.

Be sure to offer a variety of both vegetables and insects to ensure your dragon is getting all the nutrients they need.


Bearded dragons need UVB light to help them absorb calcium and vitamin D3. This is important for their overall health and well-being, as well as helping to prevent metabolic bone disease.

We recommend using a full-spectrum UVB light that covers the entire enclosure. This will help your pet bearded dragon get the UVB exposure they need for a healthy life.


Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, which means they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. It is important to provide a temperature gradient in their enclosure so they can thermoregulate properly.

The basking spot should be around 90 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit, while the cool end of the enclosure should be around 75 – 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a heat lamp or ceramic heat emitter to provide the basking spot, and a digital thermometer to make sure the temperature is correct.


A pet bearded dragon needs to have a water bowl in their enclosure at all times. This is important for both hydration and humidity. Be sure to use clean, filtered water and change it out daily.

You can also mist your dragon with a spray bottle to help increase the humidity level in their enclosure. Just be sure not to do this too often, as too much humidity can be just as harmful and shorten their average lifespan.

Vitamins and supplements

Vitamins and supplements are important for bearded dragons as they provide the reptiles with the essential nutrients their bodies need. Bearded dragons are active animals, so they need plenty of exercise – a daily walk is ideal. It’s also important to keep them cool (between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit) and humid (between 70-75 percent humidity). A varied diet that includes vegetables, fruit, insects, and young dragon food will ensure their health. captivity-long lifespan What you should know about bearded dragons

Preventing diseases

Keeping your dragon healthy and preventing diseases is important for a long lifespan. Here are four easy tips to help you out: – Trim the nails regularly – keeping them trimmed will prevent disease from spreading. – Monitor the temperature and humidity levels of the enclosure – dragons get sick in damp environments, so it’s important to keep their enclosure at the right humidity level. – Feed your dragon the right food that meets their nutritional needs – proper nutrition prevents disease. Bearded dragons are particularly susceptible to a few common illnesses, but with regular vet checkups and good care, you can help keep them healthy and happy!


Most bearded dragons will live longer if they are kept as single pets. This is because when two dragons are kept together, they may fight for dominance which can lead to injury or even death. If you do choose to keep more than one dragon, be sure to carefully monitor their interactions and provide a separate hiding spot for each one.

If you are unsure how to tell the sex of your bearded dragon. See our guide with some helpful tips to assist you in finding if you have female bearded dragons or a male bearded dragon. It is best to wait until the bearded dragon reaches sexual maturity or when the bearded dragon is a young adult.

In regards to lifespan, male bearded dragons live longer than females. This is due to the size difference and stress females go through during reproduction. The female’s lifespan is slightly shorter than their male counterpart but they still live a long and healthy life.


Genetics play a significant role in the lifespan of a bearded dragon. Some dragons are just naturally longer-lived than others. If you want a long-lived dragon, be sure to do your research and buy from a reputable breeder.

How Can You Tell How Old A Bearded Dragon Is?

If you’re considering buying or adopting a bearded dragon, be sure to ask the seller about their age and condition. Knowing how long your bearded dragon will last gives you peace of mind. There are a few ways to tell how old a bearded dragon is.

One of the most reliable methods is to count the scales on the reptile’s body. However, be sure to check with a vet beforehand if you’re unsure of the proper way to do this.

How To Increase Your Bearded Dragon’s Lifespan

The lifespan of a bearded dragon can even be increased through proper vet checkups and proper care. Here are a few tips that can help you increase your bearded dragon’s lifespan:

How To Increase Your Bearded Dragon’s Lifespan

Use safe products.

Bearded dragons are wild animals and as such need to be handled with care. Make sure you use safe products when caring for your dragon, especially when it comes to UVB light.

In addition to using a good quality food and providing the bearded dragon with a warm environment, bathing is also important. Bearded dragons like the sun so make sure they have access to the rays at all times! Lastly, make sure their water dish is half-full at all times – this way they won’t get too thirsty or stressed out!

Keep their habitat clean

Keeping a bearded dragon’s habitat clean is essential to their health and well-being. A dirty environment can lead to problems such as respiratory infections, parasites and fungus.

Bearded dragons can live up to 20 years in captivity if kept properly fed and hydrated, so it’s important that you take the time to keep their habitat clean!

Daily water changes are also necessary; make sure the substrate (substrate means the soil) is not soggy. Give them a fresh food supply every 2-3 weeks – mix in some reptile grass for added nutrition. Remember: keeping your dragon healthy and happy means taking care of their whole environment!

Keep them Hydrated

Keeping bearded dragons hydrated is essential for their health and wellbeing. Make sure to give them small amounts of food every day, as well as plenty of fresh water sources – preferably different types.

If the temperature starts dropping too low, you can provide supplemental heat using a reptile basking light or a warmer water bowl.

Reduce Stress

Keeping your dragon healthy and happy is one of the best ways to reduce their stress levels. By providing them with the right environment, stimulating them regularly, and making sure they get regular bloodwork done – you can extend their lifespan by a few years!

Bearded dragons typically live for 10-15 years, so it’s important not to wait until something goes wrong before starting to make some life changes for your lizard friend. There are a few things you can do right away that will help keep him comfortable and relaxed:

Hides and Toys

Provide him with plenty of toys and hideaways. Having a safe place to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed is crucial for bearded dragons.

Schedule Regular Vet Checkups

Just like with any pet, it’s important to take your bearded dragon in for regular vet checkups. This will help catch any potential problems early on and keep your dragon healthy and happy.

Be Patient

One of the best things you can do for your bearded dragon is to be patient with them. They are wild animals, and it takes time for them to get used to their new environment and to you.

Once they start to trust you, they will be much more relaxed and less stressed.

Add supplements to their diet

Bearded dragons are omnivores and will eat a variety of things. Some common supplements that bearded dragons can consume include calcium, vitamin D3, and carotenoids.

Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before adding any supplements to their diet as they may not be appropriate for all beardies. Adding these supplements to the bearded dragon’s diet can help them live longer by providing the essential nutrients they need in order to thrive.

Making sure their diet contains the right balance of vitamins and minerals is also important for healthy growth – so consulting with a vet beforehand is always a good idea!

How to Know Your Beardie Is Content and Not Stressed

One of the easiest ways to tell your bearded dragon, especially baby bearded dragons, is the bearded dragon will open it’s mouth. This is called gaping and is a way of regulating their body temperature. If you see your bearded dragon gaping, don’t worry, this is perfectly normal!

Other signs that your bearded dragon is content include:

-Eating regularly

-Sleeping soundly

-Having a healthy appetite

-Regular bowel movements

-Being alert and active

-Having a shiny coat

-Not scratching or biting themselves excessively

If you see any of these signs, it’s a good indication that your bearded dragon is content and not stressed.

On the other hand, if you see any of these signs, it may be an indication that your bearded dragon is stressed:

-Loss of appetite

-Weight loss

-Changes in behavior

-Excessive scratching or biting

-Sleeping more than usual


If you see any of these signs, it’s important to take your bearded dragon to the vet as soon as possible. Stress can lead to a number of health problems, so it’s important to get them help as soon as possible.


Bearded dragons are incredible creatures that can bring a lot of joy to your life. By following these tips, you can help your bearded dragon live a long and happy life!

Frequently Asked Questions about How Long Do Bearded Dragons Live

What should I do if my bearded dragon catches a cold or the flu?

If your bearded dragon catches a cold or the flu, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. These viruses can be deadly for bearded dragons, so it’s important to get them help right away.

What should I do if my bearded dragon stops eating?

If your bearded dragon stops eating, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. This can be a sign of a serious illness, so it’s important to get them help right away.

How can I tell if my bearded dragon is feeling sick?

The easiest way to tell if your bearded dragon is feeling sick is to observe its behavior. If the dragon is displaying signs of being ill, such as hiding, retching or not eating, the reptile may need veterinary care.

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