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Do bearded dragons sleep during the day? This is a question that many people have, and it’s a valid one. The answer is not a simple one, as bearded dragons do not follow a set sleep schedule. Some days they may sleep more during the day, while others they may be more active. There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to determine how much sleep your bearded dragon needs, and we’ll go over them here along with answering the question, do bearded dragons sleep during the day.

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep During the day?

First of all, it’s important to understand that bearded dragons are diurnal animals. This means that they are active during the day and sleep at night. So the answer is no, they usually do not sleep during daytime hours.

In the wild, they would bask in the sun to raise their body temperature and then hunt for food. As pets, they still need to follow this natural cycle as much as possible.

Bearded dragons need a day/night light cycle that mimics their natural habitat. During the day, the lights should be on for 12-14 hours to simulate the sun. At night, the lights should be off for 8-10 hours so they can sleep.

Bearded dragons also need a heat lamp to provide them with a basking spot. The basking spot should be around 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the temperature can drop to 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Providing your bearded dragon with the correct day/night light cycle and temperature will help them stay healthy and active.

This is not to say a bearded dragon cannot sleep during the day. There may be times when they are tired or not feeling well and will want to sleep. But as a general rule, they should be up and active during the day. In addition, the sleep pattern can differ from one beardie to another.

Reasons A Bearded Dragon May Sleep During the Day

There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon may want to sleep during the day.

Not Enough Light

One reason is that they are not getting enough light. As we mentioned before, bearded dragons need a day/night light cycle that mimics their natural habitat. If the lights are not on for 12-14 hours per day, they may become tired and want to sleep.

Not Enough Heat

Another reason is that they are not getting enough heat. Bearded dragons need a basking spot that is 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too low, they may become sluggish and want to sleep.


Another reason a bearded dragon may sleep during the day is brumation. Brumation is a period of inactivity that reptiles undergo during the winter months.

During this time, they will sleep more, eat less, and be less active overall. Bearded dragons in captivity can also go through brumation if the temperature and light conditions are not ideal.

If you think your bearded dragon is going through brumation, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian. They can help you determine if your pet is healthy and give you advice on how to care for them during this time.


Lastly, if your bearded dragon is sick, they may sleep more during the day. If you think your bearded dragon is sick, it’s best to take them to the vet for a check-up.

How Much Sleep Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

As we mentioned before, bearded dragons do not follow a set sleep schedule. Some days they may sleep more during the day, while others they may be more active.

There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to determine how much sleep your bearded dragon needs, and we’ll go over them here.


One thing to keep in mind is the age of your reptile. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons need 14-18 hours of sleep per day. As they get older, they will need less sleep. Adult bearded dragons only need 8-10 hours of sleep per day.


Another thing to keep in mind is the health of your reptile. If your bearded dragon is sick, they may sleep more during the day. If you think your bearded dragon is sick, it’s best to take them to the vet for a check-up.


The environment can also affect how much sleep your reptile needs. If the conditions are not ideal, they may become stressed and want to sleep more. Be sure to provide your bearded dragon with a day/night light cycle and the correct temperature to keep them healthy and active.

11 interesting facts About Bearded Dragon’s Sleep Patterns

Now that we know that beardies are diurnal animals and do not sleep during the day, let’s take a look at some interesting facts about their sleep patterns.

How do bearded dragon sleep?

Bearded dragons sleep in a variety of positions. The most usual way for how bearded dragons sleep is on laying on their stomachs. Some will curl up in a ball, while others will sprawl out. Some beardies even like to perch on a branch or basking rock to sleep.

How Do Bearded Dragons Sleep

My Bearded Dragon Sleeping on Me, Why?

Bearded dragons are capable of forming a strong bond with their owners. If you have gained your beardie’s trust, they may enjoy sleeping on you. This is usually nothing to worry about and is simply a sign of affection. Although beardies are not capable of processing love or affection in typical ways, they do associate you with safe and happy feelings after bonding with you.

Do Bearded Dragons Dream?

We do not know for certain if bearded dragons dream. However, it is believed that they may have simple dreams based on their instincts and daily activities. For example, a baby beardie may dream of chasing insects or basking in the sun.

Do Bearded Dragons Have a Sleep Cycle?

Bearded dragons do not have a set sleep cycle like humans. They will usually sleep more at night and be more active during the day. However, there may be times when they are tired or not feeling well and will want to sleep.

Where do bearded dragon sleep?

Bearded dragons usually sleep in their enclosure called a hide or cave. Some will sleep on the ground or in their basking spot.

When do bearded dragon sleep?

Bearded dragons usually sleep at night, but there are times when they may take a nap during the day.

Do bearded dragons sleep with their eyes open?

No, bearded dragons do not sleep with their eyes open. They will close their eyes and go into a deep sleep. This is similar to many other reptiles and amphibians.

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep With Eyes Open

Do Bearded Dragons Sleep A Lot?

No, bearded dragons do not sleep a lot. They usually sleep at night and are active during the day. However, there may be times when they are tired or not feeling well and will want to sleep.

Why is my bearded dragon sleeping so much?

There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon may be sleeping more than usual. It could be due to the time of year, the temperature of their environment, or an underlying health condition. If you are concerned about your beardie’s sleep habits, be sure to consult with a veterinarian.

How long do bearded dragon sleep?

The bearded dragon sleep Bearded dragons can sleep for 8-10 hours at a time.

Is it normal for a bearded dragon to sleep standing up?

No, bearded dragons can’t sleep at night standing up. When Bearded Dragons remind themselves that you stand for hours at night, this could indicate that they are not getting enough rest or have difficulty laying down due to injuries.

Bearded Dragons usually sleep by pulling their legs out and putting their belly on the ground. If a beardie stays up at night they can’t get any rest. This could be attributed to the environment which hinders them in relaxation like heat, light, and noise.


In conclusion, bearded dragons do not sleep during the day. There may be times when they are tired or not feeling well and will want to sleep. But as a general rule, they should be up and active during the day.

In addition, the sleep pattern can differ from one beardie to another. If you think your bearded dragon is not getting enough sleep, be sure to consult with a veterinarian. They can help you determine if your pet is healthy and give you advice on how to care for them.

Additional FAQ on Bearded Dragon Sleep Habits

Below are additional questions which we have received around do bearded dragons sleep during the day and their sleep cycles.

Do baby bearded dragons sleep during the day?

Yes, baby bearded dragons sleep during the day. The baby bearded dragons sleep cycles will usually be to sleep at night and active during the day. However, there may be times when the bearded dragon’s sleep cycle changes if they are tired or not feeling well and will want to sleep.

A baby or young bearded dragon tend to sleep less than adult bearded dragons. If you notice your bearded dragons tend to have problems sleeping at night or are laying in an odd sleeping position there may be an issue with the bearded dragon’s tank or an underlying health issue. If your beardies sleep schedule continues having restless sleep or begins losing weight, consult with your vet.

Do bearded dragons sleep after eating?

Bearded dragons cannot sleep immediately after eating, unless they have spent energy digesting their meals first. Instead of sleeping they can sleep and rest in a warm place to maintain a healthy metabolism for optimal digestion.

During meals the bearded dragons must first rest under warm temperatures to boost metabolism and digest food. If this occurs the digestive system may not function properly which causes problems such as impactions of unabsorbed foods within the digestive tract. If beardies prefer to sleep before they eat, this may explain why.

Can bearded dragons sleep without a heat lamp?

Bearded dragons can sleep under no heat lamps. Heat lamps have been designed for bathing purposes and their behavior has limited daylight hours. In addition the temperature should remain low overnight as it simulates normal nighttime conditions. A typical range of temperature for a basking spot is between 88-92 degrees Fahrenheit.

The lamp for a Bearded Dragons enclosure will look the same to the sun. It requires higher temperatures and natural light and UV. Beard Dragons follow all environmental influences when eating, focusing or relaxing. Nighttime temperatures will drop and darkness will signal the brain to rest Bearded Dragon.

Bearded dragon awakens at night, why?

A number of things may cause a bearded dragon to awaken during the night. Too much noise and light disturbance can disrupt sleep and hunger. In the process it must determine how long a bearded dragon sleeps in order to have an adequate amount of oxygen.

If your bearded dragons sleeping funny schedules and waking throughout the night there may be an issue with the environment or an underlying illness. If this occurs, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

Do bearded dragons like to sleep in groups?

There is no concrete answer as to whether or not bearded dragons like to sleep in groups. Some beardies may enjoy the company of others while sleeping, while others may prefer to sleep alone. It really depends on the individual dragon’s personality.

If you have multiple bearded dragons, it’s important to provide each one with its own sleeping space. This will help to prevent stress and aggression between them.

Do bearded dragons sleep on their backs?

No, most bearded dragons do not sleep on their backs. They usually sleep on their stomachs or sides. Sleeping on their back can be uncomfortable for them and may cause health problems.

In addition, if sleeping on their back, it would make them particularly vulnerable to attacks in the wild.

If you find your bearded dragon sleeping on its back, it’s important to gently flip it over onto its stomach or side.

Can bearded dragons sleep on the cold side of the tank?

Yes, most bearded dragons can sleep on the cold side of the tank. In fact, it’s actually recommended that they do so. Sleeping on the cold side of the tank helps to regulate their body temperature and prevents them from getting too hot.

Occasionally your bearded dragon may sit in a cold spot if you become too hot. Using a heat lamp to simulate basking heat from the sun in open spaces in natural environments, beard dragon enclosures create a heat gradient. At night, the light should not be lighted to lower the temperature on the tank to a lower overnight temperature to promote rest for Beardies.

Should I use a Red Heat Lamp Overnight?

No, they can see the red light and it can cause issues with their sleep cycle. If the room is cold overnight and you need a heat source, consider a heat mat instead of a heat lamp.

Do older bearded dragons sleep more?

The Bearded Dragon is older than most adults and can probably be sleeping better than most other types. Animals with an older age often lose more energy as their bodies don’t perform at their normal capacity.

Bearded dragons have already taken extreme measures to conserve energy, and try to utilize all of them more efficiently. It’s also true for older dragons since routine behavior takes a lot of energy.. Elderly bearded dragons will also have weak bones and stiff bones and slower metabolic activity.

Can bearded dragons sleep walk?

The bearded dragon have never sleep walked to my knowledge. Ectotherms sleepwalk in their natural habitats to maintain survival instincts.

Using sleepwalkers would mean that they would use unnecessary energy. Bearded dragons are instinctive and run on simple motives. Sleepwalks have not yet been studied by researchers, and are more likely to involve complex parts of our brain which process emotions and rational thought. Even the bearded dragon experiences deep sleep, which is suggested to give them the ability to dream.

Can bearded dragons sleep with noise?

Bearded Dragons can sleep with a background sound but the sound can cause them difficulty and reduce sleep they have. It will be more difficult for a baby bearded dragon to sleep with noise as they are still getting accustmed to their new envirnment. Adult bearded dragons that with you for sometime will be comfortable and the bearded dragon sleeping habits will not be as easily disturbed by noise.

Bearded dragons are the same as our human reactions when we try to sleep. Light, soothing sounds can be used so the brain can have easier sleep, while noisy, erratic sounds are not trust able.

What time should I turn off my bearded dragon light at night?

It is best to turn of your bearded dragon light two to three hours before your dragon goes to sleep. This will help them to start to get tired and be able to fall asleep easier.

You can also put a towel over their cage if you need to block out any extra light in the room so they can sleep better.

How can I tell if my bearded dragon is tired?

There are a few things you can look for to tell if your bearded dragon is tired and your bearded dragon sleeping is disturbed. They may start to yawn, have their eyes half closed, or start to bob their head. These are all signs that your bearded dragon is ready for bed and needs some sleep.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to turn off the lights and let them sleep.

Do Bearded dragons need darkness to sleep?

Like many species, a bearded dragon requires a dark night to rest. During the day bearded dragons have to be exposed to UVB lights.

However, the bearded dragon sleeping is best in the darkness. If you are a night owl, you can cover the tank with a blanket to allow the bearded dragon sleeping to not be disturbed while you are still awake in the room. I go to bed pretty early so me and my beardie sleeping schedules are synced up.

Do Male or Female Bearded Dragons Sleep More?

There is no scientific evidence to support that one sex of bearded dragon sleeps more than the other. It is likely that each individual beardie has their own sleep habits.

Learn how do I sex my bearded dragon in this guide.

Some may sleep more during the day, while others may be more active at night. The best thing you can do is observe your bearded dragon and see what seems to work best for them.

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