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There are many different types of peppers, and some can be toxic to bearded dragons. However, other types may provide a host of important nutrients that your bearded dragon needs in order to stay healthy. In this article we will cover Can Bearded Dragons Eat Peppers including bell peppers and hot peppers.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?
To get right to the point, yes, bearded dragons can eat bell peppers. Bell peppers are actually part of the Capsicum family, which includes both sweet peppers and hot peppers. The bell pepper is a type of sweet pepper, and is one of the most popular vegetables in the United States.
Bell peppers come in many different colors, including red, yellow, orange, and green. They are all the same species of plant, and are just different colors because of the amount of time they have been ripened for.
So, can bearded dragons eat bell peppers? Yes, they definitely can! In fact, bell peppers are actually a great food for your pet bearded dragon. Benefits of bell peppers in your beardies diet include:
They are a good source of Vitamins A and C, which helps boost the immune system.
They contain antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage.
They are a good source of fiber, which helps with digestion.
Other vitamins that bell peppers are rich in are Vitamin B6, K1 and E.
Finally bell peppers are a good source of folate (healthy tissue) and potassium (for heart health).
Can I Feed Bearded Dragon Raw Bell Peppers?
Bell peppers can be given to bearded dragons both raw and cooked. If you do decide to cook them, make sure that they are not overcooked, as this can make them difficult to digest.
The best way to prepare bell peppers for your bearded dragon is to wash them thoroughly, and then cut them into small pieces. You can then either feed them raw. Raw bell peppers provide a good source of hydration for your beardie, as they are over 90% water.
Should I Feed Bell Peppers As Part of My Bearded Dragon’s Regular Diet?
Although bell peppers will not harm your bearded dragon if they are given on a regular basis, it is important to give them a variety of foods in order to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need such as those recommended in our bearded dragon diet guide.
Bell peppers lack calcium content that is so important for bearded dragons. For this reason, it is important to dust their food with a calcium powder supplement if they are being given bell peppers on a regular basis.
In addition, the amount of phosphorus to calcium is very high due to the low calcium content. A high phosphorous to calcium ratio is not good for bearded dragons and can cause problems such as metabolic bone disease.
Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) is a common health issue in bearded dragons, and is caused by a lack of calcium in the diet. Symptoms of MBD include softening of the bones, deformities, tremors, and paralysis. If you think your bearded dragon may be suffering from MBD, it is important to take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Finally, since bell peppers have a high concentration of Vitamin A it is possible to give your bearded dragon too much if they are given bell peppers on a regular basis. Vitamin A toxicity can lead to health problems such as liver damage and neurological problems. Since many bearded dragon supplements already contain Vitamin A, it is important to be careful not to over-supplement your beardie.
The best way to incorporate bell peppers into your bearded dragon’s diet is to give them as a treat, rather than part of their regular diet. This will ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need, without the risk of giving them too much of any one nutrient
For these reasons, it is important to give your bearded dragon a variety of foods, and not to rely on bell peppers as their main source of nutrition.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Bell Peppers?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat green bell peppers. Since a green pepper is simply an unripe bell pepper, they have the same nutritional value. This means that they are a good source of vitamins and fiber, but should not be given as part of your bearded dragon’s regular diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Bell Peppers?
Red bell peppers are simply ripe bell peppers. There are no issues and bearded dragons can eat red bell peppers. There will be no difference between the color of pepper that you give to your bearded dragon, so it is up to you which color you choose.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Hot Peppers?
Now that we know that bearded dragons can eat bell peppers, you might be wondering if they can eat hot peppers as well. The answer is no, bearded dragons should not eat hot peppers. This is because hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which is what gives them their spicy flavor.
Capsaicin can irritate the digestive system of bearded dragons, and may even cause burns. If your bearded dragon does eat a hot pepper, they may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and mouth sores. If you think your bearded dragon has eaten a hot pepper, it is important to take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Other Vegetables to Serve With Bell Peppers to My Bearded Dragon
If feeding bell peppers to my beardies, I usually add some leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, or turnip greens. I will also add a calcium powder supplement to their food. This way they are getting the nutrients they need without the risk of over-supplementing them with any one nutrient.
Some other vegetables that can be given to bearded dragons include: carrots, sweet potatoes and kale.
About Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are reptiles that originates from the deserts of Australia. In the wild, their diet revolves around insects and other small animals. However, in captivity, their diet is often supplemented with vegetables and fruits. While bearded dragons will typically eat just about anything you put in front of them, it is important to consult a veterinarian to make sure that they are getting the right balance of nutrients.
Bearded dragons are a popular pet due to their relatively docile nature and the fact that they do not require a lot of space. They can live for up to 20 years in captivity, although the average lifespan is 10-12 years. When properly cared for, bearded dragons can make a great addition to any home.