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Did you know that your bearded dragon needed grooming? Luckily, unlike many pets, bearded dragon grooming is pretty straight forward and can mostly be done by the owner at home.

Grooming your bearded dragon includes bathing, misting, nail clipping, and assisting with shedding. Today we will take a look at each area of your beardies spa day and give some helpful tips for each grooming area.

How to Bath Your Bearded Dragon

Bath time for your bearded dragon may be a lot of fun. In order to keep your bearded dragon clean, you need clean the tank on a regular basis.

Honestly, there is nothing like a new beardie owner’s smile when they give their new dragon their first bath.

During the bath, once your beadie has settled in you will want to make sure to remove any excrement from their body (aka remove the poop). A good way to remove excrement off your bearded dragon is to give it a bath. While taking a bath isn’t required (especially for beardies who despise it), most bearded dragons like it.

To give your beardie a bath you can fill a plastic tub or sink with warm water to bathe your bearded dragon (up to 2 inches or top of the limbs). Bearded dragons can drown if the water level rises above their limbs.

As they get older and bigger, I start introducing them to the bathtub as once they hit juvenile age they are not longer going to fit in the sink.

The water should not be contaminated with soap or any other pollutants. To rub a dragon, use just a soft brush or cloth. If you like, you can gently rub your bearded dragon with your hands. 85 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal water temperature.

How Often Should I Bath My Bearded Dragon?

To determine how often to bathe your bearded dragon, take into account the amount of filth on him. Bearded dragons may usually be bathed once a week, however some owners prefer to bathe them only a few times a year instead of more frequently.

As long as you maintain their cage clean, bearded dragons don’t really need to be bathed as frequently as other pets. When it comes to bath time, some bearded dragons aren’t fans, while others are. Don’t push your bearded dragon into the water if it’s not interested; doing so will only lead to frustration and eventual death.

Constipated bearded dragons can benefit from a bath at any time. If you suspect it has ingested any kind of food. Warm water and belly rubs will relax and laxatively influence your bearded dragon, so be prepared for your bearded dragon to poop and pee in water.

Excess water from your bearded dragon’s bath should be dripped onto a towel to dry. To dry your bearded dragon, pat it gently rather than rubbing it.

Make sure the beardie is completely dry before putting it back in the habitat if you are using sand as a substrate. If their core temperature has lowered, some bearded dragons will begin to sunbathe.

How Do I Trim My Bearded Dragons Nails?

This has to be one of the most common questions I get from others when they first bring a beardie into their family.

If their tank contains pebbles and other furnishings, the nails of bearded dragons will naturally wear away. A lot of physical activity keeps their nails short and strong.

However, if the bearded dragon’s nails do not get enough use, they may grow out of control. Nails that curl under the toes indicate an enlarged condition in your bearded dragon.

If your bearded dragon’s nails are long, sharp, or curled, you’ll need to get them trimmed, either by you or by your veterinarian. Use a small animal claw trimmer to clip your bearded dragon’s nails.

The only time to trim your bearded dragon’s nails is if they are overgrown or extremely sharp, irritating you and making it impossible to handle your pet.

When clipping your bearded dragon’s nails, pay attention to the shape of their nails. Your bearded dragon will bleed if the nails are trimmed higher than the ‘quick’ area, where a vein is located. If your bearded dragon won’t let you cut his nails, take a break and try again later. Some owners require a trip to the vet to get the nails trimmed.

It’s imperative that you have adequate lighting in the room to see through the nail. The darker or lighter the nail color, the more difficult it is to see through it. In general, you should just trim the tip of the nail, which is located under the yellowish base and the vein.

What Do I Do if My Bearded Dragon Bleeds When Cutting Their Nails?

Apply styptic powder, baking soda, flour, or cornstarch to a bleeding bearded dragon’s nail to stop the bleeding. Applying antibiotic ointment can also help prevent infections.

The key here is to stay calm as you getting upset can also upset your beardie.

All About Shedding in Bearded Dragons

When bearded dragons shed their skin, they don’t do it all at once. They do it gradually, in smaller chunks, over time. When a person’s skin is shedding, they should not try to pull it off by themselves. Premature shedding of skin can cause bleeding and infection if it is pulled off too soon.

Bearded dragons often shed well on their own and don’t require a lot of assistance from the owner. Bearded dragons. Your bearded dragon will show signs of impending shedding by darkening its skin.

Problematic shedding can be alleviated by using a shedding assistance spray. When your bearded dragon is shedding, moisturize its skin by spraying it daily and giving it a warm bath once a week. However, you should never use any creams or lotions on reptiles that aren’t meant for them.

The blood flow will be restricted if the skin does not peel off and you do not help to remove it once shedding has stopped.

Toes and the tip of the tail can die if blood supply is reduced in these places! After shedding, gently rub any remaining skin that hasn’t peeled off.

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Shed?

The age and health of a bearded dragon will play a role in this decision. Compared to healthy or mature bearded dragons, young or sick bearded dragons shed more frequently.

Shedding can occur as little as a few times a year in a healthy bearded dragon. Malnourished dragons frequently have problematic shedding.

In conclusion, using these tips and learning about the grooming process you will be able to have a healthy and happy dragon. If you have any additional questions, let us know in the comments below.

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